miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021

3. My favorite piece of technology

My favorite technology

Wow! how difficult it´s to choose one technology among so many that surround us.

Even then, I will choose my computer, I do not know if it really is my favorite technology, but it is one of them. 

My computer allows me to do all things, it has various processors that help me work, organize, and entertain myself. It´s my means of communicating with my environment (especially in these times of pandemic), so it helps me a lot, and without it, I would not be able to be in class, talk with friends, play, and well, do everything.

Before, I did not occupy the computer much, but due to the pandemic and the various tasks that I have to do in the University, I have started to occupy it more. I recently used a computer that was given to me in seventh grade, but it wasn't that up-to-date.

In March, they bought me my current computer, it was a huge investment, but worthwhile, and necessary.  Since I have it, I have been able to occupy it in various ways, in the morning I join classes, then I organize my schedule to do homework. In my spare time, I watch movies, anime or series on Netflix, talk to friends and classmates on Discord, listen to music on Spotify, and more. Basically, this technology object allows me to access many applications at the same time and that is very efficient.

With so many things that I do and the various functions that it has, I currently occupy it all day, trying to have free time from the computer to rest, which is a bit difficult, but not impossible.

My computer

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Renata!, I have to tell you that the same thing happened to me, since the online classes started, usually I didn´t use my computer, but throughout the year I had to used it for everything, all the time. PD: When you mentioned your old computer, you reminded me that I must change mine.

  2. OMG, your computer is beautiful, I love it<3, I hope it works very well for your college homework, and also you can be a gamer girl hahaha xoxo baby <3

  3. Hello Renata, like you, I didn't use my computer a lot either, but due to different situations and needs, I was forced to used it. Now it is the most important object for me.

  4. Hi dear Renata, I agree with what you said it is difficult to choose a favorite technological device and one of mine is the computer I bought it a short time, the needed for the university just like you.


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